- Professional name: Keir Thomas
- Actual name: Keir Thomas-Bryant (thanks to marriage).
- Age: In the middle, sadly.
- Occupation: Writer, content creator.
- Where I exist online: https://linktr.ee/keirthomas
Here’s my career so far. If you want full career details, visit my LinkedIn page.

- Education: First class honours degree in Creative Arts from the University of Glamorgan (now the University of South Wales).
- Magazines #1: Built my career as a staff member on computer magazines during the boom period, and worked for most UK B2C technology publishers.
- Magazines #2: Went on to edit computer magazines for over half a decade.
- Textbooks #1: Went on to write best-selling computer textbooks about Linux and Apple technologies. One of my books won an award, meaning I could call myself an “award-winning writer”.
- Textbooks #2: For a year I was a textbooks commissioning editor at Apress, too.
- Textbooks #3: Wrote and then self-published Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference, which would go on to be downloaded over a million times.
- The Freelance Years #1: Worked as a professional blogger. One of the blogs I wrote is a footnote in computing history because it inspired the person behind BitCoin to go into hiding and never speak again.
- The Freelance Years #2: Did LOTS of freelance journalism and blogging for various magazines and sites. See my LinkedIn – there’s a portfolio PDF hosted there.
- Puppywolf: Started a “professional hobby”: Formed a poetry publishing company in Manchester, UK that published several anthologies of local poets, amongst other things.
- Content Marketing #1: Decided it was time to earn a decent living, and switched careers to content marketing at one of the UK’s largest software companies. Spent five years adapting skills from my earlier career and gaining experience in an award-winning team, both creating and managing content marketing projects.
- Content Marketing #2: One year and counting as of April 2023: Working as a Content Marketing Manager (still at the same company).
- The Side Hustle: Throughout everything, have been writing novels and occasionally sitcoms with a hope of this being a professional endeavour at some point.